NaNoWriMo Virgin

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This year is my first time participating in the National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo as it’s commonly abbreviated. Actually I’ll probably call it NaNo as I like that better. Sign up and friend me – I’m under OneStorySlinger. There we can track each other’s progress and cheer each other on to the end!

For the entire month of November, writers around the nation (and possibly globe) will write 50K words in hopes of finishing a novel. The goal of the month is quantity, not quality, and is designed to help writers like me who have a hard time finishing projects.

As someone who edits as I write, this will be my hardest challenge. I can type 90 words a minute so I’m not stressed about typing at least 2K words a day. That’s nothing for me. But not editing? Just rolling with whatever I’ve written? Eek!

Originally I was going to finish one novel that is already started but not plotted. Instead, in the spirit of the month, I’m going to work on a novel I haven’t started, but have already plotted from start to finish.

Any other NaNo virgins out there? What will be your biggest challenge? Writers who have done this before, what advice do you have for us newbies?

Happy Writing!